silhouette of nine persons standing on the hill

Meet the BFM Team

Deb Borchert /Styburski is a 57 year old cosmetologist, wife to her husband Ken for 25 years, and mother of 4 blessings from God as well as a mother-in-law. Her children are ages 25, 22, 20, and 16. Deb has been faithfully serving BFM since its board was created several years ago.

Deb was raised in lansing, mi, in a Wisconsin Synod Lutheran family. She vacationed at a family cottage in Houghton lake, MI every summer. She loves nature, plants/ flowers, arts, music, do it yourself projects and most of all, people!

She has a desire to open eyes and hearts to the love Jesus has for us. Helping them see their identity in Christ and the authority we have with Jesus. Her desire is to do what Jesus does where he has placed her.

Bill Ness is a 46 year old husband and father. He and his wife Brandi have been married for 18 years and they are raising 2 daughters.

Five years ago Pastor Val Bondie III and Bill started prayer walking and together they founded Blind Faith Ministries. They have well traversed Michigan as well as the Nation.

Bill realized he was not called to a church but to “The Church,” and not to a nation, but “The Nations.” He and his wife have been on missions trips to the Philippines and Honduras.

Prior to all of this, Bill underwent a process of finding out who he was. He grew through experiencing an identity crisis. While traveling the country and the world, Bill has had to understand who he is in Christ as well as exercise the authority that Christ has given him.

Andrew Rife is 40, happily married to his wife Rachel, and they have a 2 year old son named Abel as well as another boy due by the end of March 2025.

When Andrew and Rachel were saved they both needed a lot of help and deliverance; God mercifully set them free, continues to do so, and has given them a passion to help others.

As a physician assistant since 2013, he has seen thousands of sick and suffering patients. The unbelievable amount of damage that the enemy inflicts on people, including Christians, breaks his heart. Hosea 4:6 says that God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, and Andrew has a passion to teach others the Biblical truths that God has revealed to him over the years.

He is grateful for his medical training, but at the same time he realizes that Jesus is the Great Physician, and he wants to see the body of Christ fully embracing the authority over the enemy that Jesus has bought and paid for us to have.

Valient Bondie III

Michella Cooley